JBL Connect

Founded in 1946 by James Bullough Lansing, an engineer in the field of loudspeaker production, the JBL company keeps innovating in order to satisfy its customers. Recently, the company has developed an application JBL connect which is developed by the Harman Group.

How does JBL connect work?

The integration of JBL connect feature in some JBL soundbars allows the audio signal from the same device to be shared wirelessly with another compatible branded speaker. When the sound bar receives an audio signal from a mobile device connected via Bluetooth, such as a smartphone or tablet, sound sharing is available.

To connect the sound bar to a compatible external speaker, press the JBL Connect button on the sound bar, then press the button on the other speaker. Once paired, the two systems will simultaneously stream audio from the device connected to the sound bar via bluetooth. The volume of both devices is synchronized.

JBL connect is compatible with many speakers such as: boombox 2, Boombox, Xtreme 3, Xtreme 2 and Xtrem, impulse 4, impulse 3, as well as Flip5, Flip 4 and Charge 4... In short, using JBL connect is the most advanced way today to customize your speakers. Whether you're a professional or a home user, you can easily use this application.

You want to download JBL Connect on Windows 10 ? Act !

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