F1 Manager

F1 Manager is a formula 1 racing game that is published and developed by Frontier Developments. This game allows you to both discover the history of F1 and manage a team. Find out what are the features of F1 Manager.

Features of F1 Manager

Among the game modes available in F1 Manager, you have the career option. You will have to choose your team, participate in different official races and try to win many victories. By achieving your goals, you will have the opportunity to attract the attention of the Formula 1 board. This way, you and your team can get new opportunities.

In this simulation and strategy game, you can control everything from your headquarters. Among other things, you can consult the different details about your team, such as the possibility to manage the budget and the vehicles. You can also follow the performance of your drivers and your technical team. In this game, there are various settings available to you to improve your vehicles. With the help of these options, they can perform better over time. This allows you to win more races.

You want to download F1 Manager on Windows 10 ? Act !

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