
Digio is the essential application for signing electronic documents and managing PDF files. How does it work? Zoom in on the features of a downloadable utility.

Digio's features

Document scanning is the first feature of Digio. The application is usually used by startups and SMEs for organizing their contracts and various agreements between partners as well as official letters. A collection system facilitates the classification. This paid tool is very popular with companies. Individuals also appreciate this software that simplifies online signatures thanks to the integrated powerful drawing tool: Aadhaar eSign. The online signatures have the same legal value as the traditional ink signatures. Signed e-documents are authentic before the law in case of litigation.

Digio is presented on a fluid and functional interface, as easy to use as an email. It helps to organize documents and simplify their sending. It is also possible to receive them directly on the application. The notification system allows users to be notified of incoming and outgoing data status. Access to the systems is secured by a PIN code system. Digio can be downloaded free of charge on standard platforms. It is also possible to use it on a PC. To do so, you just need to download the Windows extension from its official website or partner portals. Just follow the instructions to install the software and use it exactly as on your smartphone.

You want to download Digio on Windows 10 ? Act !

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