Jira Cloud

Jira Cloud is a project management and task tracking solution for Windows PCs developed by Atlassian. It takes the form of a SaaS (Software as a Service) platform hosted in the cloud. It makes it easy to track and organize project-related tasks, whether in product management or any other professional activity.

A practical, feature-rich application

Easy to download, Jira Cloud offers a wide range of practical project management features. Teams can take full advantage of its capabilities. This applies to the creation and management of tickets, which form the heart of the system. Tickets represent tasks, bugs or requests and centralize all necessary information: status, priority, assignment, deadlines and detailed descriptions. The visual Kanban view with tables represents the process steps. Tickets can be easily moved from one column to another as they progress, providing a clear view of overall project progress.

Users benefit from real-time monitoring thanks to customized dashboards, filters and reports. These simply summarize and visualize the information that's important for project management. The software integrates many other everyday tools, such as Slack, Confluence, GitHub and Trello, for a fluid, interconnected workflow. Rights and permissions are tailored to each user for secure and organized multi-user access. Custom fields can also be added to precisely configure the system to the specific needs of teams and projects.

You want to download Jira Cloud on Windows 10 ? Act !

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