Imou Life

The Imou Life application is a creation of Huacheng Network Technology Co. It is designed for both Android and iOS mobile devices.

What can Imou Life do?

Imou is a manufacturer of surveillance devices and tools for home security. It manufactures surveillance cameras and doorbells. Customers can still find the brand's motion detectors on the market. The Imou Life application will allow to manage all these instruments remotely and to see suspicious actions happening inside the perimeter. The functionalities of Imou Life will depend on the tools installed in the house. In case the security equipment notices any anomalies, the software will send notifications to the user. You can also review these suspicious events offline on your mobile or PC interface as the data will be recorded in storage technologies.

As a user, you can configure the program to avoid alerts in case of human detection. This maneuver is recommended to avoid false alerts. You also have the option to turn on a siren via the Imou Life interface when an intruder is discovered. Apart from the noise produced by the siren, you can activate projectors. However, the condition is that you install these devices beforehand. The application can be accessed by several users simultaneously. This is especially the case when you share the access with your relatives or friends. Here, the main user will act as administrator. He/she will have full rights to set the authorization granted to third parties.

You want to download Imou Life on Windows 10 ? Act !

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