Ivideon client

Ivideon client is intelligent video surveillance software developed by Ivideon. This PC application is compatible with the Windows operating system. Simple and effective, it uses video analysis to monitor and protect people and property. Ivideon client uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to analyse video images in real time and automatically detect abnormal events.

The different features of this software

Users can download Ivideon client online. This solution offers a number of practical features for intelligent video protection. These include 24/7 video recording. The cameras connected to the system record images continuously. They are stored on the hard disk, enabling long-term backup of the videos. The software includes motion detection via intelligent video analysis. It is capable of detecting any abnormal movement and immediately alerting the user. Facial recognition identifies faces in the database and triggers an alert in the event of intrusion by an unauthorised person.

Intelligent video analysis automatically detects various abnormal events such as fights or falls. The system is also capable of identifying the noise and image typical of broken glass. The alarm is triggered quickly in the event of a break-in. Real-time management of video streams gives users complete and immediate knowledge of the situation on their site. They can react in the best possible way. This key feature of Ivideon client considerably improves the efficiency of video surveillance. It is also possible to automate different actions depending on the events detected. 

You want to download Ivideon client on Windows 10 ? Act !

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