EagleEyes is an application that is offered by AVTECH Corporation for all its valuable customers. The ease and convenience of use are the strong points of this free tool. It has a functionality that is powerful and its interface design is user-friendly. It is one of the networking, integration and scanning products from AVTECH Corporation.
EagleEyes is an application that will support switching of single DVR/NVR multi-channel monitor. Its user is entitled to a remote monitor to broadcast video directly in real time. It is both a DVR/NVR device and an IP camera that is only an AVTECH product. TCP/IP protocol can also be supported by this free tool. After each disconnection, there is a function for automatic reconnection. Security monitoring is fully guaranteed.
EagleEyes is an application that is compatible with Android. It is also possible to download an appropriate version on a Mac or Windows PC. This free tool can handle push video as well as different kinds of H.265, H.264, MPEG4 videos for DVR/NVR/IPCAM. Video loss/channel coverage can be displayed. PTZ control (Normal/Pelco-D/Pelco-P) can be supported. This instrument is one of the best services developing technology from AVTECH Corporation.
Download on : Apple App Store Google Play
Look for alternatives on : Windows Store (PC)
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