Zoom for Chrome

Today, video conferencing is more common and one of the most used applications at the moment is Zoom. In fact, it is one of the market leaders because of its great potential. In the digital age, telecommuting is gaining popularity and Zoom is becoming an excellent alternative for communication. This tool created by Eric Yuan allows virtual interaction between work teams or groups of friends.

What are the main features of the Zoom Progressive Web App?

The Zoom PWA refers to a cloud-based video conferencing service. With this platform, virtual meetings can be held using only video or audio. However, it also offers the ability to record sessions for later viewing.

The three main highlights of Zoom are:

  • One-on-one meetings: Zoom allows you to hold an unlimited number of one-on-one meetings, even with the free plan.
  • Group video conferences: the free plan allows video conferences of up to 40 minutes and 100 participants. If you purchase the "large meeting" plug-in, you can connect up to 500 people.
  • Screen sharing: you can meet individually or with large groups and share the screen with them. They can see each other.

The desktop app is available for Pc, Windows and MacOs, while the mobile app is available for Android and iOS. You can download it from the Google Play Store.

You want to download Zoom for Chrome on Windows 10 ? Act !

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