IPTV is a video streaming application. It allows you to play TV channels from your Internet Service Provider (ISP), or any other streaming source on the Web. Discover all the features of this simple but effective player.

IPTV features

This software supports playback sources in M3U and XSPF format, with three display modes available: list, grid or icon display. Of particular interest is the EPG support, which allows you to see what program is playing on a given channel. Files must be XMLTV or JTV type.
IPTV contains an in-situ video player, but also offers you the possibility to use your own. With its built-in parental controls, you don't have to worry about what your children can watch. Finally, the standard version allows you to access the history of your channels, as well as play UDP multicast content via a proxy.

By choosing the "PRO" option, you free yourself from ads and win the launch of the application when the system on which it is installed starts up. This is a very useful feature when using a TV set-top box, such as the "players" provided by ISPs. Finally, you benefit from automatic playback of the last channel watched, with the parameters used, and an extended playlist history.

IPTV does not contain any pre-programmed channels. You must provide a file containing the feed links. The software is available on Android, and can be downloaded from Google Play. For Windows, the native application is not available on PC but alternatives exist.

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