Plants vs. Zombies Heroes

Plants vs. Zombies Heroes is a mobile card game from the famous Plants vs. Zombies franchise. Based on the principle of the game Heartstone.

Collect hundreds of heroes to fight.

Plants vs. Zombies Heroes is a free game to download on iOS and Android (not available on Windows PC). This application is developed by PopCap Games. The game is based on the same principle as Heartstone but with the iconic characters of the Plants Vs Zombies saga. In this game, battles take place using cards to protect your hero. Each card contains a number of life points and a number of damage specific to each character. The goal is to eliminate the opposing hero. To do this, you must beat the opponent's cards to make the hero vulnerable and thus reduce his life points to nothing. Note that herons have 20 life points. In addition to the cards, there are also special powers to help you triumph over your enemies. The application features a single-player campaign where you play as Plants, a single-player campaign where you play as Zombies and a multiplayer mode where you can challenge real-life opponents.

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