Classic Words

Classic Words Solo is the number one word game to play against your smartphone or tablet (solitaire mode). The game is designed and developed in several languages including support for English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Dutch and Polish.

Classic Words, one of the best games for the literary enthusiast.

Classic Words is one of the references in terms of the application of word games with integrated definitions. It is an excellent game for board and strategy game lovers who want to spend time working on their meninges. It is also an educational game that will allow children and adults to improve their spelling and vocabulary.

In the Classic Words desktop game, the player has to choose the skill level of the opponent. He goes from beginner to expert and chooses a strategy that will allow him to win over time. The game guarantees a fair gameplay since the letters and blanks are chosen at random. The player must fill in the squares with the scores Double Letter, Double Word, Triple Letter and Triple Word and take care to maximize the multipliers on the map. There is no standard formula for winning in the Classic Word game. The best solution is to rely on your knowledge of words. Whether during the game or at the end of the game, the user can publish his best scores and forward these game moments to his subscribers on social networks. The Classic Words app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store or Google Play.

You want to download Classic Words on Windows 10 ? Act !

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