
WordScapes is a word spelling game for iOS and Android devices. Escape the boredom and stimulate your mind by visiting the beautiful destinations in Wordscape.

A succession of challenges in the land of words

Wordscape is a complete word game that offers you more than 6000 puzzles. This modern word game combines the best of word gaming for a huge brain stimulating fun. The application brings together elements of a word search game and a crossword puzzle. When you start the game, you will discover :

  • Lines of empty spaces, like crosswords;
  • A 6-letter wheel, very different from a crossword puzzle;
  • A shuffle button that shuffles the letters on the wheel;
  • A star button that shows your bonus words...

Players receive a few letters and are asked to guess what words they might form. They are allowed to mix the order of the letters or buy a clue for 100 pieces. The puzzles are grouped into sections that players go through as they complete rounds. Longer and more difficult words appear as the levels increase. To help them, Wordscapes provides players with four types of helpful hints, each with a cute little icon. The game is modelled on other games such as Word Cookies and Word Crossy. It gives you a wheel of letters that can be dragged and an empty crossword puzzle template to fill them in.

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