Marco Polo - Stay In Touch

Marco Polo - Stay In Touch is an application that allows you to leave video voicemail messages that you can view at your own pace and answer at your own pace. The application combines the best of texting, social media and video chat, all in one private and easy to use application.

Keep in touch with people

Marco Polo is a video chat application that allows you to send quick messages with your friends. Just like Snapchat, Marco Polo processes messages that only last a few seconds. The video messaging application is very popular among teens and tweens. It works like a walkie-talkie, but with video. It encourages users to communicate with their friends directly through the application, as opposed to text messaging or phone calls. Users can reply to messages immediately, like a walkie-talkie, or send a video reply at their convenience. Video conversations are stored in a corner of the application and users in a group can review videos sent in the past. Unlike many other video applications, there is no text chat or direct message (DM) option.

To use Marco Polo, users sign up with their name, phone number and email address. The application encourages users to find their friends who are already using the application by requesting access to the user's phone contacts. When video chatting on the Marco Polo application, users can view their chat history and even use filters to change the tone of their voice. Any user in a group can watch any of the videos in the chat history, even if they are not the person who created the video.

You want to download Marco Polo - Stay In Touch on Windows 10 ? Act !

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