Homematic IP

The homematic application is the management platform of the Homematic IP product range. It includes devices for air conditioning, safety, weather conditions, control of light and shutters and various accessory components. All Homematic IP brand switches can be easily integrated into this platform for complete control of your home.

Homematic, a control device to better save energy

With the free application of Homematic IP Smartphone, users have everything in sight, no matter where they are. The smart home can be controlled easily and conveniently anytime and anywhere. The homematic application concentrates all the functions of management and home automation control for a more secure home. For example, it allows you to efficiently monitor your heating system, safety, weather conditions, light and shading, as well as many accessories. For example, room climate control devices allow room-level control of radiators throughout the home, depending on the demand, thus saving energy.

The interface of the homematic application provides an overview of all the parts and devices that are installed there. By sweeping, he can move around the different rooms of his house and thus receives an ideal overview. Simply connect your Homematic IP system via the free Homematic IP Smartphone app to various compatible devices from other manufacturers. Enjoy a lot of possibilities and functions for your smart home. Homematic is available for free on Google Play and the App Store.

You want to download Homematic IP on Windows 10 ? Act !

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