Gacha Club

Gacha Club is a game developed and published by Lunime. This game released on June 29, 2020 consists in creating and customizing avatars. The latter are placed in a studio to participate in fights. In Gacha Club, you have four battle modes: Story, Tower, Shadows of Corruption and Training.

Features of Gacha Club

When creating characters, you have a hundred customizable avatars to choose from. You have a wide choice of clothes, shoes, and accessories for your character. You can, among other things, change the color of his hair and eyes. Besides the characters, it is also possible to customize animals, which will help you during your fights.

Apart from the animals, you can also carry objects. You can use them to attack your enemies and make them suffer more damage. You also have the possibility to chat with other people to make them your allies, before starting the fights. The special feature of the game is that you can also add narrators during your game. In the studio mode, you can customize your scene. You have a multitude of backgrounds at your disposal. You can also save and load up to 15 scenes. During the combat phases, you can use 180 units and 150 animals. To increase your stats and get better results, consider upgrading your avatars.

You want to download Gacha Club on Windows 10 ? Act !

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