Poweramp Music Player

Poweramp Music Player is a music player for Android that allows you to play songs in all their usual formats: mp3, mp4, ogg, wma, flac, wav, ape, wmv, tta, mpc and many others. Other features of Poweramp Music Player include optional crossfading and uninterrupted playback.

One of the best Android music players

Poweramp is one of the most popular music playback applications. With hundreds of features, Poweramp is one of the best music players available for anyone who prefers to listen to music offline. Features include :

  • An optimized 10-band graphic equalizer for all supported formats, customizable presets and assignable audio devices;
  • The ability to select multiple dithering options, various parameters per output;
  • Playback of songs from the library or folders classified by category (flat or hierarchical);
  • File support. Built-in and stand-alone CUE and optional dynamic file waiting ;
  • Support for Google Assistant commands: If you're already listening to something through the application, you can tell Wizard to play, pause, stop, continue, repeat, shuffle, or search.

The application was updated with a brand new interface in December 2019, added Android Auto compatibility and now implements a feature that every media player should really have: support for Chromecast. Now, if you have a Chromecast target nearby, you'll see the familiar icon at the top right of the player interface in Poweramp.

You want to download Poweramp Music Player on Windows 10 ? Act !

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