Designed for professional security, DMSS is a mobile video surveillance application with features such as video playback and live view. It also has push alarm notifications and cloud storage functions.

Mobile security and surveillance through DMSS

Available for download and installation on iOS 9.0 or later and Android 5.0 or later, DMSS makes instant video recordings and stores the corresponding files locally. It can play back up to 4 channels and has a multi-channel live view of up to 16 windows. DMSS is compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod.

Alarm devices, doorbells, cameras, access control devices, video intercoms and video recorders can all be added to the application. DMSS works with or without a connection and can play back video in slow, fast or picture mode. The last video that was taken live in the interface is played back automatically by DMSS.

With DMSS, the user can change the password, control the alarm output and manage remote configurations on the devices. Other video surveillance operations can also be performed with DMSS. These include live view, device initialization, video chat and push notification. Voice calls and video image adjustments are also supported by DMSS.

Developed by Hangzhou CE-soft Technology Co, Ltd. in 26 languages including English and French, DMSS has a user manual that explains its operation. The application is not available on PC and Mac. To use it on pc under Windows or on Mac under iOS, you must first download and install an emulator.

You want to download DMSS on Windows 10 ? Act !

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