In addition to being an e-mail address service, is a popular search engine in Russia. It is a site that receives about 2.2 million visitors daily. In addition to its "web portal" type, it can be installed as desktop software or application on current mobile platforms. Let's discover in this article its main features as well as its purpose.

All you need to know about is a free messaging application, invented by a Russian company called VK, formerly called Group. It is accessible via the Internet on your PC. You can communicate with your family and friends anywhere and instantly, since the application is available for Android and iOS smartphones. You can download this software directly from Google Play or App Store by adding on the search bar.

The main feature of is its ability to work simultaneously with the most used mailboxes today, such as Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, Orange Mail,, Outlook, Laposte, GMX and many others that use IMAP or POP3 protocols. In addition to sending messages, it also offers the option of sending photos and documents. This application is equipped with spam filters and instant notifications for each new e-mail. Another interesting feature of the software is the possibility of changing the time of receiving push-notifications.

You want to download on Windows 10 ? Act !

Mail.Ru Group doesn't seem to want to develop this application on PC... but that's no reason to give up ! Would you like to download and install on Windows 10? Vote for this app on WishApplist! After a certain number of votes, we will contact the publisher to let them know that many of you want to download it. The more of us who ask for it, the more likely it is to land on PC! You can also login to your account to be alerted when this app is available.

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