
inDriver is a carpooling solution available in more than 300 cities (about 31 countries) around the world. With the ambition to put the power back in the hands of the passenger, inDriver allows you to save up to 30% on your different trips.

inDriver, a very practical carpooling application!

inDriver makes it easy to request a ride. All you have to do is enter your destination and departure point in the app, as well as the price you are willing to pay for the ride. In other words, you set the price of the ride. You have the power over your ride, because in addition to choosing the price of the ride, you also choose the driver. Offering a downloadable version for iOS and Android, the Windows PC app is only available through an emulator. The app is easy to use and allows you to get around at a lower cost.

Unlike other services, the price is not fixed based on time and mileage. You negotiate directly with the drivers, which allows you to save up to 30% on your trips. Thanks to inDriver, you can choose a driver from a list of those who have accepted your transport request. So, remember to choose your driver according to the best offer, the arrival time, his evaluation, the number of trips made, and even the car model. In addition, you can view information such as the driver's name, car model, license plate number and the number of trips already made before accepting the ride, for added security.

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