Blockman Go

Blockman Go is a game developed by "Blockman Go Studio" and released in September 2018. Playing it you will not be disoriented by its system, features and graphics, which are not without reminding us "Minecraft". It is impossible not to compare it with this one.

A game, but not only

In "Blockman Go", you play as an avatar, with a square and customizable line, with which you will be able to play a multitude of games, each more varied than the next. Some of them are created by "Blockman Go Studio" themselves and others are made by players via the application (system not available in France). With its integrated chat system, you will be able to discuss and share your experiences during your adventures alone, with friends or in community.

The multitudes of activities available combined with all the discoveries in the application will lead you to several hundred hours of games without much difficulty. Blockman Go now has over 50 million downloads on the Google Store with a rating of 4.4 stars out of five. It can also be downloaded from the Apple Store and on PC, Windows, via the official website.

You want to download Blockman Go on Windows 10 ? Act !

Blockman GO Studio doesn't seem to want to develop this application on PC... but that's no reason to give up ! Would you like to download and install Blockman Go on Windows 10? Vote for this app on WishApplist! After a certain number of votes, we will contact the publisher to let them know that many of you want to download it. The more of us who ask for it, the more likely it is to land on PC! You can also login to your account to be alerted when this app is available.

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  • The application is already online on Windows and you would like to send us the link so that we can download it?

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