All in on Calc is a software designed to assist insurance agents in the calculation of miscellaneous fees and in the management of administrative documents. The software is a multi-tasking tool allowing upstream to obtain useful management information and downstream to send this information directly to your customers.

ALL IN ONE CALC, a management tool adapted to the challenges of the insurance business

ALL IN ONE CALC is an all-in-one software package; a calculator, converter and management tool adapted to the needs of insurance agents. Concretely, using ALL IN ONE CALC means having a complete tool to :

  • determine the settlement options at the end of an insurance contract;
  • determine the fiscal maturity of an insurance contract;
  • obtain the parameters of an insurance plan simply by inserting precise data (for example, one can enter the age and have the plans available for a specific age range.) ;
  • determine temporary client options and add them to all the plans in which they are available;
  • be able to directly calculate take-back, late fees, payment on due date, age...

Add information on documents required to seal an insurance contract. Once the information is obtained, it can be sent to your client with a single click using Messenger, WhatsApp, Telegram, Mail... ALL IN ONE CALC is a software designed for private use only. Many other features can be added at will to adapt the application to your needs.

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