
You want to learn more about programming languages outside the school wall. The best way to do this is to use interactive programs, designed to teach yourself lots of languages. The SoloLearn application offers the best free programming courses, capable of helping you further improve your programming skills.

What is SoloLearn?

SoloLearn is a kind of free application that allows you to learn multiple languages and programming concepts using short lessons followed by quizzes and challenges. The programming lessons are perfectly suited for everyone, including beginners. The lessons are well designed so that all users can learn to read and write their own code. In fact, SoloLearn does not require any prior programming or coding skills. The only requirement is a good understanding of the English language, as the program exists only in this language version.

To download Sololearn, you can go to the App Store for iOS and Google Play for Android devices. Unfortunately, the app is not available for the Windows system. However, you can use your pc to practice everything you just learned on the SoloLearn website.

You want to download SoloLearn on Windows 10 ? Act !

SoloLearn doesn't seem to want to develop this application on PC... but that's no reason to give up ! Would you like to download and install SoloLearn on Windows 10? Vote for this app on WishApplist! After a certain number of votes, we will contact the publisher to let them know that many of you want to download it. The more of us who ask for it, the more likely it is to land on PC! You can also login to your account to be alerted when this app is available.

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  • The application is already online on Windows and you would like to send us the link so that we can download it?

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