
Based on a detective novel, Suspect is a card game linked to investigations of a certain period in order to solve puzzles. The goal of this game is to find the killer among the players by completing missions.

The principles of the game

Suspect requires a number of 1 to 6 participants for a duration of about 90 minutes. Participants must be at least 10 years old. Its content consists of 165 cards, 6 maps and a minimal rule and game aid to solve three independent investigations.

This PC-based puzzle game offers 3 independent scenarios with unique characters and well-defined roles. It is played via a card draw and documents related to investigations. The interrogation then begins, followed by the pursuit of clues and examination of new elements obtained. Points are scored by your answers. The more you answer, the more points you get.

Anyone can be a suspect. An envelope is a resolution to a task at hand. Good communication will help you find the suspect easily. After the case has been concluded, i.e. you have dealt all the cards, the game then asks you to vote to expel the culprit. Like a detective series, it feels like you're right in the middle of the action. Why not download it? You can invite friends on your platform for more fun.

You want to download Suspects on Windows 10 ? Act !

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