Cute CUT Pro

Editing a movie is not easy. For your project, you can use a powerful and specific application, allowing you to succeed. Do you want a great editor that helps you get the kind of film you've been dreaming of up to standard? Whether it's a short film or a feature film, Cute CUT PRO is the tool for you.

Edit the movie of your dreams using Cute CUT PRO

Cute CUT PRO, presented by MobiVio Solutions, is a video reproduction and editing application. Its release date is February 11, 2018. This simple and inspired tool allows the creation of one or more movies by combining all kinds of multimedia elements such as videos, images and sounds. As soon as it opens, it presents an interface in horizontal and vertical mode. In portrait mode, your project is at the top and the editing is at the bottom of the screen. In contrast, landscape mode is characterized by a preview window on the left and an editing area on the right of the screen.

Cute CUT PRO has two important functions. The first option is gathering. You must first allow access to your personal documents and files through the application, before simultaneously adding your data to your movies. You can choose the output format of your choice and add filters, transitions, decorations and various effects. The second option is drawing. You have the possibility to use more than 30 drawing tools directly on the movie.

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