Bloons TD Battles

After creating Bloons TD 5, Ninja Kiwi innovates and produces Bloons TD Battles. In this tower defense, players buy monkey towers and pop balloons. However, they also attack their opponent by controlling certain balloons. If they pass in number into the opponent's camp, the game is won. Victory depends on your ability to choose your monkeys, their location, and your attack strategy.

Innovative features

Players can compete on 27 cards, having to choose between 22 different rounds. Each round has 8 upgrades. Many modes are available such as Assault Mode where you attack your opponent, Defensive Mode where you have to survive as long as possible, Battle Arena Mode where you bet your medallions while playing an Assault Mode and a Battles Card Mode where you choose your towers and balloons thanks to cards.

Boosts allow you to temporarily reinforce your towers or the balloons you send to the opponent. Finally, the balloons are customizable and objectives can be accomplished. Play Bloons TD battles, with your friends or strangers. The application can be downloaded from the Apple App Store, the Google Play Store and, on Windows PCs. An internet connection is required

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