
SMA Solar Technology offers you its Sunnyportal application that intelligently displays the most important data of your electrical installation, the sustainable energy production of your solar panels, as well as the electricity consumption of your household. Its functionalities will allow you to better control your energy consumption for a better carbon footprint.

Take control of your solar installation with Sunnyportal!

The dashboard of the application will give you access to an "overview" section displaying your electrical system in the form of icons, both the electricity produced by your solar panels and your energy consumption. This section includes an energy balance for the day, your self-sufficiency with respect to the grid as well as the photovoltaic surplus. You will know when to connect additional devices without increasing your expenses. A "history" section summarizes your consumption, production, battery charge and the amount of energy taken from the grid on a weekly, monthly or annual basis, using diagrams.

The "forecast" section indicates the yield of the panels according to the coming weather, allowing you to optimize your consumption even more. If you have an electric car, you will be able to flexibly manage the charging of your vehicle after the installation of the SMA EV Charger. Depending on your needs, your vehicle can be charged in a sustainable way at a lower cost or in a quicker way. You can download the application from the Google Play Store and the Apple Store. No Windows PC version available.

You want to download Sunnyportal on Windows 10 ? Act !

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