IP Camera Viewer

Published by Robert Chou, IP Camera Viewer is a utility that allows you to set up an effective video surveillance system in minutes. Easy to download, the tool is available on all major mobile platforms.

IP Camera Viewer, your video surveillance tool par excellence

IP Camera Viewer allows you to view live video from most IP cameras on your device. The application fully supports motion detection and more. You can also view multiple cameras in a split screen view. Among the many features available, there is a screensaver that displays the stream of your favorite cameras in a rectangle that you can adjust the position of on your device screen. Thanks to IP Camera Viewer, you will be able to keep an eye on your house, your commercial or professional premises, your parking lot or any other place you need to monitor.

Use any USB or IP camera to keep an eye on your property on the go! The utility supports over 2,000 different IP camera models from leading manufacturers. You can view up to 4 camera streams simultaneously. The centralized camera management and layout of the tool allows you to view everything on one screen from multiple remote locations. You can even change the layout and view of the cameras according to your security needs. You can also save video streams for later viewing.

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