Surveillance software and systems have grown significantly in the last decade. Some of them have been developed to allow their users to control and monitor live from a camera. This is the case of cMOB-20. This application offers you not only the possibility to control via cameras but also through video encoders.

Other features of cMOB-20

In addition to real-time monitoring, this application allows you to playback your surveillance videos remotely and through instaOn and IP/cpplusddns software. Developed by CP Plus GmBh, this app is in high demand by Android and iOS users.

cMOB-20 offers other features like local recording, QR Code scanning serial number support and even PTZ control. This software is very useful when restricting access from one country to another or when restricting your device on PlayStore. cMOB-20 is available on the Google App Store for Android and for iOs. You can also download it from your Windows or Mac PC and have access to your videos in real time. Very useful to control your streaming, cMOB-20 supports local and remote devices "Add", "Edit" and "Remove". Don't wait any longer and try cMOB-20, you won't regret it.

You want to download cMOB on Windows 10 ? Act !

CP Plus has not yet indicated whether cMOB would be available for download on PC. Would you like to download and install this app on Windows 10? Vote for this app on WishApplist! After a certain number of votes, we will contact the publisher to let him know that many of you want to download it. The more of us who ask for it, the more likely it is to land on PC! You can also login to your account to be alerted when this app is available.

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