Zinio is a digital platform that provides access to more than 6,000 magazines from around the world, in more than 30 languages, on a wide variety of topics that you are passionate about.

A fully digital newsstand

Zinio's digital offering is available for download from any Android device from the Google Play store or Apple device from the App Store. Developed by the company of the same name, Zinio is now positioned as the number 1 newsstand on the digital market. For a subscription fee that can be cancelled at any time, you get access to an incredible array of magazines of all genres. The application even offers the offline reading feature, ideal for your plane trips, provided that you have downloaded the article beforehand.

People, travel, business, culture, crafts, etc. This is just a brief overview of all the themes you can find on the platform. The selection ranges from the most famous magazines to the smallest specialized magazines. Slip more than 6,000 magazines into your pocket, now it's possible with Zinio. No need to carry magazines or waste time going to the newsagent's only to find that the magazine you are looking for is not on the shelf. Zinio completely revolutionizes the world of print media with its 100% digital offering.

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