
Software developed by Debugmode, Wink is a tool that allows you to take screenshots and combine them to create tutorials or to make presentations.

The characteristics of Wink

To start capturing an image, simply launch the project creation wizard and use the "Pause" key at the top left of the keyboard. It is possible to record all the images taken successively to give the impression of a short video. The program not only allows you to take screenshots, but also offers several other free features.

The customization of animations is also possible since Wink gives the possibility to add a text block and to modify the position and shape of the latter. It is also possible to change the created animation by deleting or adding one or more screenshots in order to reorganize your work. There are also other possibilities such as recording audio. For trainers who want to create tutorials for users, adding explanation boxes and buttons for tutorials is also feasible. This application is available for Android and iOS.

You want to download Wink on Windows 10 ? Act !

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