Apart from being free and fast map, it is an entirely offline and detail map application used by million travelers all over the world.

Offline Map

If you download on your phone, you do not need internet to use it; hence, it saves data.

Entirely Free offer free maps and features.


Maps on the can be used when walking, driving, and cycling all over the world.

Guides and Itineraries

The application has customized itineraries that allows you to plan for your trip, as well as never miss interesting places.

Maps Are Detailed

This mobile application has detailed explanation when it comes to offering direction to and information about your preferred destination. This is what makes unique from other maps. So, download it to enjoy its awesome features.


Several OpenStreetMap contributors are responsible for updating the maps each day.

Reliable and Fast

Since allows offline search, GPS, cartes, Optimized maps are effective when it comes to saving memory space on your phone.

Traffic Data

It can also be used as a city traffic map. You can download and use it to check traffic information and updates in different cities and countries.

With, you need not do be worried about destination and direction.

You want to download MAPS.ME on Windows 10 ? Act ! B.V. doesn't seem to want to develop this application on PC... but that's no reason to give up ! Would you like to download and install MAPS.ME on Windows 10? Vote for this app on WishApplist! After a certain number of votes, we will contact the publisher to let them know that many of you want to download it. The more of us who ask for it, the more likely it is to land on PC! You can also login to your account to be alerted when this app is available.

The WishApplist team reached out to B.V. for information on the arrival of MAPS.ME on PC. Here's what they told us.

Reply from B.V.


Thanks for the feedback.

For the time being we don't plan to develop a desktop version as we have limited resources and our main focus is the mobile app.

You can check our web editor version for PC and use it to add or edit bookmarks and routes.

The web editor is available by the link and you can read more about it in our guide.

Best regards,

MAPS.ME team

Give us info !

  • You have already contacted the editor and you have information to give us about the development of this application?

  • The application is already online on Windows and you would like to send us the link so that we can download it?

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