FarmVille 2: Country Escape

FarmVille 2 is an adventure game that immerses you in the world of farming, friends and fun. Go on a farm adventure to collect rare goods and create new recipes. This is the sequel to the FarmVille game developed and published by Zynga in 2009.

Create, build and nurture the farm of your dreams in FarmVille 2

FarmVille 2 is a game that lets you interact with many interesting characters, cultivate a farm to grow special crops, and live out your daily life in a lush green place surrounded by many animals. FarmVille 2 puts you in control of a farm in which you interact by forming personal and professional bonds with the occupants and neighbors. The game focuses on the teamwork spirit that you will have to cultivate with members of the cooperative while having the opportunity to :

  • Customize the structure of your own farm for a charming country life ;
  • Harvest fresh crops of your favorite fruits and vegetables;
  • Feed and raise a wide variety of adorable animals like your own farm dog;
  • Build a lush family farm on the coast for all your friends to visit;
  • Swap and chat with friends or play anonymously with people around the world.

The game is free to play. However, in-game purchases are available for additional content and in-game currency. It also allows you to share the wonderful news of your achievements in the game with your Facebook friends.

You want to download FarmVille 2: Country Escape on Windows 10 ? Act !

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