Klondike Adventures

Klondike Adventures as its name suggests is an adventure game inspired by the 1982 video game published by SoftSide. With many challenges, the game allows you to explore the Alaskan wilderness with the valiant Kate and the adventure enthusiast Paul. Build a strong and prosperous city in these vast cold lands.

Travel back to the time of the Gold Rush with Klondike Adventures.

Klondike Adventures is a game that takes you to discover exceptional characters and listen to their fascinating stories as you travel from city to city. During the adventure, you will be brought to :

  • Transform a deserted train station into a thriving city;
  • Build factories, extract resources and manufacture everything you need for expeditions and quests;
  • Meet exceptional characters and listen to their fascinating stories as you travel;
  • Start your own farm in the wilderness by raising animals and harvesting to make food and clothing for yourself and to trade with the locals;
  • Meet with neighbouring farm owners and make as many farm and craft orders as you can during timed events between all the players

Playing Klondike Adventures will require you to place orders to earn stars and coins, among other things. You will then use the coins to buy new market buildings. Then complete the main missions to earn valuable items such as emeralds, energy, and more... so you can keep going. In addition, there are opportunities to win trophies for events that give you more energy.

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