Heads Up

Today, it is becoming very common for many people to walk with their eyes glued to their Smartphone. Heads Up is a newapplication from Google that can help you not to fall while using your smartphone. It is anapplication that can also protect users from possible collisions.

Heads Up, what features?

Walking down the street with their heads down looking at their smartphone screens, pedestrians face many potential dangers. Without really being aware of it, they can bump into each other or into a pole. At worst, they can even be hit by a car. It is to help them that Google has developed Heads Up. This new feature from Google alerts users to danger while they are weaving through a crowd or on a public street. The way Heads Up works is so simple. As soon as thisapp detects an obstacle that could pose a danger to its user, it will immediately send an alert asking them to look up or pay attention to anything around. Notifications will then be sent. Among them, the following phrases are the most common: "Look up to the sky", "Be alert" or "Look where you are walking".

How to download Heads Up? You can go to Settings > Digital Wellness > Heads Up. For its activation, an authorization is required so that it can access the data related to your physical activity. Informing it of your geographical location remains an optional authorization. Most of the applications that are available on the Google Play Store or iOS Appstore are only designed for mobile platforms. Heads Up is not currently available on PC or Windows, but you can install Android apps on your PC or Windows. You can then use them as on Android smartphones.

You want to download Heads Up on Windows 10 ? Act !

Warner Bros has not yet indicated whether Heads Up would be available for download on PC. Would you like to download and install this app on Windows 10? Vote for this app on WishApplist! After a certain number of votes, we will contact the publisher to let him know that many of you want to download it. The more of us who ask for it, the more likely it is to land on PC! You can also login to your account to be alerted when this app is available.

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