Splatoon 2

Splatoon 2 is a third-person shooter video game developed by Nintendo EPD and released by Nintendo for Nintendo Switch in July 2017. The game takes place two years after the first Splatoon station.

Claim your territory by covering it with ink in matches

Splatoon 2 is a third-person shooter in which players control characters, called Inklings and Octolings, and use colored ink as ammunition. The ink is also used to cover the ground, or any surface that can be painted, in order to swim or fill their ink tanks. Inklings and Octolings can transform from a humanoid or child form, where they change from walking and shooting, to the squid form where they can quickly swim through their own coloured ink and replenish their ink supply, as well as regain full health. Like the previous game, it features the standard Turf War mode for regular battles, in which two teams of four players have three minutes to cover as much territory as possible with their ink colour. Splatoon 2 also maintains the first game's rotation of the Splat, Tower Control and Rainmaker zones for classified battles, unlocked at level ten, while adding a new Clam Blitz mode.

The game will also offer voice chat functionality by leveraging other applications. Splatoon 2 will automatically put you in chat with players on your team, but it can also be used to invite friends to join you in the game and in the chat.

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