Amplified Bible

Nowadays, digital is taking an important place in our daily lives. Digital is intruding in almost every field. Nowadays, some applications have even succeeded in digitizing the Bible. Amplified Bible is one of them. Here is an overview of this innovative application.

All about how Amplified bible works

Amplified bible is an application that represents a digital version of the bible. It is available on Android, iOS and can be viewed on PC with Windows. In general, you can download it for free on several platforms.

One of the best features of Amplified Bilble is undoubtedly the audio function. You will be able to listen to the Holy Words whenever and wherever you want, in addition to your reading. You can easily access the verses and chapters even if you are not connected to the Internet. If necessary, the search function will allow you to find one or more words in no time at all. You can also create a list of your favorite chapters or verses and bookmark them at the same time. You can also highlight important verses and add notes.

Once connected to the wifi, you will be able to copy and share these verses on social networks. For a less tiring reading, it is possible to adjust the font size to your liking. The "night mode" option protects your eyes when reading in a dark environment.

You want to download Amplified Bible on Windows 10 ? Act !

Offline Bible Apps doesn't seem to want to develop this application on PC... but that's no reason to give up ! Would you like to download and install Amplified Bible on Windows 10? Vote for this app on WishApplist! After a certain number of votes, we will contact the publisher to let them know that many of you want to download it. The more of us who ask for it, the more likely it is to land on PC! You can also login to your account to be alerted when this app is available.

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