Phum Dictionaries

The Khmer language is generally used in Cambodia. The Khmer people once occupied most of Southeast Asia. This is why its language is found scattered in some Vietnamese and Hindu ethnic groups. At the moment, about 16 million people use this language, especially in Cambodia, Vietnam and the surrounding archipelagos. Whether you are traveling, working or translating documents, downloading Phum Dictionaries 3 can help you.

Its features

Developed by Biz Solution, this translation application is useful in understanding the Khmer language. It has a 3 in 1 dictionary, composed of the Khmer to English, English to Khmer and Khmer to Khmer translation for the difference between some ethnic dialects. It also has a Khmer writing keyboard. With suggestion and correction options, searches can be done quickly. The "TEXT To speech" option allows you to communicate orally with people who speak this language. However, you will need Google SpeechSynthesis. Phum Dictionaries 3 also has bookmarking and zooming options to give you great ease of use, and a Floating Window option for users of Android 2.3.3 or later. To further your understanding of the language, Phum Dictionaries 3 defines the words you are looking for in the language you have chosen.

The application is available on Google Play Store, App Store and Microsoft Store. Whether you use your Andoid or iPhone or Windows Phone to travel, your iPad or PC to work, Phum Dictionaries 3 is available on all these platforms. However, your PC needs a Windows 10 operating system to start it properly.

Occupying only 6.6 MB of space, more than a million users have been convinced to download and install Phum Dictionaries 3. With a good rating from each Store, the developers listen to customer recommendations and offer updates and new tools to improve communication.

You want to download Phum Dictionaries on Windows 10 ? Act !

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