IMDb (Internet Movie Database) is a global collaborative online database of film and television series, in existence since 1990. Belonging for several years to Amazon, the site reveals a multitude of information on the world of cinema, television and, to a lesser extent, video games.

The database for movie addicts!

IMDb is the most popular and most complete source for film and television addicts. It is possible to find a calendar with movie release dates, pages with the most rated and popular movies, TV series and even video games as well as all the recent news about cinema. The site also allows you to find the cinemas closest to you, information on celebrities and to consult pages on cinema awards such as the Oscars or the Golden Globes for example.

By registering, users can add movies, series and video games to their wish list, rate them and add unique content to IMDb. All of this is completely free of charge! The website is available on Windows and Apple PCs and is also suitable as a mobile application version to download from the Play store or App store.

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