is an online shopping platform, present on the Dutch and Belgian markets. Although founded as early as 1999, the brand was given a new lease of life in 2012 and again in 2016 when it was acquired by Dutch trading subsidiaries. It is possible to make purchases directly via the brand's application. It can be downloaded on Windows PC and Android. leader in fast and cheap shopping

Whatever the need, it is very likely to find happiness on Indeed, the brand offers many product ranges and is interested in all categories: food, cosmetics, furniture, decoration, bookstore... Thanks to multiple discounts and advantageous prices, the platform is one of the most competitive in its market. offers same day delivery services for all purchases made before 2pm. The same applies to orders placed on Sundays. For those who have the foresight to plan ahead, it is also possible to schedule delivery by selecting the day of delivery in advance. Home delivery or delivery to a relay point is now free for all orders thanks to the "Select" program. Otherwise, delivery is free for all orders over 20€.

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