Word Chums

Word Chums is a word game developed by People fun, which was released in 2013. By downloading this app, you will have the opportunity to improve your vocabulary while having fun with multiple people.

The different features of the game

Word Chums is a literary game that can be played by 2 to 4 players. It will be easy for you to move from one level to another with the help of your partners. You can also challenge your teammate or practice against the artificial intelligence. With this game, you can also customize your characters. The gameplay of Word Chum remains true to the classic crossword game. However, it has a feature that allows you to know, if the words placed are valid. Thanks to this feature, even a 7 year old child can solve each level.

On Word Chums, you can take on several challenges each day. A ranking is set up during these daily competitions, to know the best players. The more words you put together, the higher your score. Thanks to these challenges, you can level up faster and become king or queen of the Chums. As it is a puzzle game, you have the chance to develop your vocabulary knowledge, thanks to the different word combinations. Word Chums is a great game to play with family and friends. It is excellent for brain work. To play it on your smartphone or tablet, you can download it on your favorite mobile platform. For PC or Mac on the other hand, you will need to install an emulator.

You want to download Word Chums on Windows 10 ? Act !

PeopleFun doesn't seem to want to develop this application on PC... but that's no reason to give up ! Would you like to download and install Word Chums on Windows 10? Vote for this app on WishApplist! After a certain number of votes, we will contact the publisher to let them know that many of you want to download it. The more of us who ask for it, the more likely it is to land on PC! You can also login to your account to be alerted when this app is available.

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