Manga Reader

Manga fans will be delighted with this application. Indeed, Manga Reader allows you to have access to a multitude of mangas online and then download them in order to integrate them into your personal library.

The main features of Manga Reader

First of all, as its name indicates, the application allows you to read a manga directly on your PC. Unlike a classic pdf, you can turn the pages in the same way as if you were reading a paper book. Moreover, the application offers the possibility to zoom on a part of the page you are reading with a selection tool. This feature is very useful to enlarge the text or drawings to see the details.

On the other hand, the software available for the Windows operating system has a search module that allows the user to browse the manga available on community sites or to target a work directly if he knows the title. Finally, Manga Reader has an automatic save feature that records your progress as you read, allowing you to pick up the manga where you left off and avoid unintentional closing.

You want to download Manga Reader on Windows 10 ? Act !

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