Stock ticker

Stock ticker is an application that informs you instantly about the stock market quotations. It allows you to track in real time the stock values of the companies listed on the stock exchange in order to make a decision to buy or not to buy shares.

Follow the stock exchange quotations in real time

Always keep an eye on the stock ticker companies' shares on your device. Stock ticker is always running and you can configure it as you like: window size, display speed, fonts, colors and many others. The Stock ticker window will be visible in your multiple spaces, therefore, on all your personal wallpapers. Whether you are a professional or inexperienced, it is the ideal tool to receive alerts. You can also download the Stock ticker application on your smartphone for instant retrieval of company stock quotes.

With Stock ticker, you'll be up to date with stock information from NASDAQ, NYSE (New York Stock Exchange), TSX (Toronto), ASX (Australia), among others. You will be able to live in real time the value of stocks like Dow Jones, gold, Bitcoin and Etheurum crypto-currencies. Moreover, you can add many ticker symbols to your portfolio and with just one click you can view the financials page with detailed profit and loss for each stock you are interested in.

You want to download Stock ticker on Windows 10 ? Act !

cubeware has not yet indicated whether Stock ticker would be available for download on PC. Would you like to download and install this app on Windows 10? Vote for this app on WishApplist! After a certain number of votes, we will contact the publisher to let him know that many of you want to download it. The more of us who ask for it, the more likely it is to land on PC! You can also login to your account to be alerted when this app is available.

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