
Keeping up when it comes to nutrition is not easy. Depending on what you want to achieve, you are subject to rules that must be strictly followed. Foodvisor is the application created to accompany you throughout this experience.

A program for everyone

Foodvisor is an application that memorizes your profile by tracking your eating and exercise habits. It offers you a program that will be adapted to you while taking into account the goal you set for yourself. Foodvisor guides you in your nutrition and assists you on a daily basis with reminders, encouragement and advice. You will be able to take pictures of each of your meals and get different nutritional information about it.

On Foodvisor, your program is established by nutrition experts. It is based on behavioral science to increase your chances of success. Foodvisor is derived from the French start-up that bears the same name. It was created by Charles Boes, Aurore Tran, Yann Giret and Gabriel Samain. They made it possible to get a virtual nutrition guide that thinks about both your happiness and your health. Helping you feel motivated and reach your dream more easily is Foodvisor's #1 priority.

You want to download Foodvisor on Windows 10 ? Act !

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