
Created by Tracy Young, PlanGrid is a free, mobile-friendly app designed to make construction project management easier.

An all-in-one management tool

Create digital plans, share information with collaborators, track project progress and manage your budget all in one app, right from your smartphone or PC. PlanGrid has multiple features that will help you better organize your work sites. You can easily annotate and compare plans, add photos, but also view 3D models of constructions to help you make the best decisions quickly. You can list ongoing problems and assign their resolution to the person concerned by adding a deadline. Easily create safety and quality control reports.

Ask your employees questions and get answers, exchange information from the platform or choose to organize a physical meeting. Stay on top of your project's progress and notify your associates. Easy to use, PlanGrid can be used by all project stakeholders: site managers, architects, foremen, etc. Practical, the software offers access to your data even without a connection thanks to synchronization. The application is available in different languages, on mobile, to download from the App Store (iOS) or the PlayStore (Android). PlanGrid is also available on PC, under Windows, for download from the official website.

You want to download PlanGrid on Windows 10 ? Act !

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