Crossy Road

Crossy Road is an arcade video game released on November 20, 2014 that takes the main character on the trail of a tortuous adventure. With a collection of more than 100 retro-looking characters, the game invites you to cross roads, railways and rivers without ever stopping.

Challenge your friends and family on treacherous trails.

Crossy Road is a free game designed around an arcade running adventure where the player is invited to go through a series of actions. The objective of Crossy Road is to cross an endless highway or series of roads and avoid obstacles as much as possible without dying. The player plays as a chosen character (there are nearly 90 characters to buy, all playing the same) and must tap to advance or drag the screen in the appropriate direction to move the character horizontally. During the journey, characters can be run over by cars, drowned or attacked by eagles, but everything is done in a very soft way, in the form of cartoon characters and without bloodstains.

Crossy Road has all the makings of a viral game, with fun and refreshing gameplay, a beautiful art style and a convincing reward system that keeps you coming back for more. The application is free to download and play, but is profitable through video ads and also built-in shopping when players buy characters ranging from penguins, cats and pigs to wizards and robots. Crossy Road is only available on the App Store for iOS and Apple TV.

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