Garena Free Fire: Kalahari

Garena Free Fire is a mobile royal battle game, developed and published by Garena Studios. It brings several players to compete in an arena over a set period of time. By the end of 2019, the game has more than 450 million registered users and has earned more than a billion dollars worldwide.

Garena Free Fire, a bloody royal battle

Garena Free Fire is a royal battle game, a genre where players battle each other in an arena, collecting weapons and trying to survive until they are the last person standing. Each game consists of 10 minutes and places you on a remote island where you compete against 49 other players who are on a quest for survival. Players are free to choose their starting point with their parachute and wish to stay in the safety zone as long as possible. The game starts once you decide where you want to drop off. After that, the player has to run to find equipment that will ensure his survival. Some areas will require the use of weapons due to the dense population of players fighting for survival.

The object of the game is to kill other players until you are the last man or woman standing. There is no story line or sci-fi fantasy around the gameplay, you simply shoot other humans in a real environment and collect rewards for doing so. Users can play in ranking mode, casual, zombie and more. As you enjoy them, you'll discover the game's realistic and fluid graphics.

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