
Home automation is increasingly present in homes. It facilitates the management of homes, including the use of electronic devices and lighting. But you need the right software to control them efficiently. Ecobee is one of the most practical and easy to use software.

Features of Ecobee

Ecobee is a program that facilitates the control of home automation devices in a house. It is offered by the Canadian company of the same name "Ecobee", known worldwide for the quality and diversity of its home automation. Among other things, the company markets thermostats, switches, sensors that can be controlled from the application. This application allows you to save energy by adjusting the power of each device. It also offers the possibility to remotely control the lights in a room if needed. Ecobee allows to control security systems such as alarms or cameras. It also facilitates the detection of abnormal activities in the house if they occur.

Regarding its use, the setting can be done manually or by voice. Indeed, it integrates Amazon's Alexa allowing you to voice control the house or play music for example. Before getting to that point, you need to download Ecobee on Google Play or Apple Store. Thus, it is possible to use this program on a smartphone under Android or an iPhone under iOS. This program is not yet available for Windows PCs. However, it is possible to use it on a computer by installing an Android emulator in advance.

You want to download ecobee on Windows 10 ? Act !

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