
Opensignal is a comprehensive tool that allows you to test the mobile connection and the speed of a network signal. It is a platform where users can run speed tests, contribute to Opensignal's data collection, view cell tower details and explore maps displaying OpenSignal's externalized data.

A toolkit for improving data and Wi-Fi signals

Opensignal is a mobile analytics company recognized in the industry as the independent global standard for measuring real-world mobile network experience. The same number refers to an integrated service that compares the performance of different cellular operators in particular regions. OpenSignal gathers wireless network performance data via crowdsource and through tests that run in the background on wireless devices. Tests are run on devices running applications owned by Opensignal and applications run by developers who partner with Opensignal. The application data is therefore generated by a community, which means that the data should be more accurate in real terms when viewed globally. And since there are a large number of users running the application regularly submitting verifiable and redundant data, the information presented in OpenSignal is credible.

In addition, the reports and information in OpenSignal are the definitive guide to understanding the true experience that consumers receive over wireless networks. They are regularly referenced by analyst firms and the business, technology and trade press around the world.

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